61 Multi Family Dwelling Fire
January 21, 2022

6:32pm York County Dispatch struck out fire box 61-06 with first party caller reporting that their home was on fire.

Engine 61-2 and Tower 58 arrived to find a 2 story Multi Family dwelling with fire showing on sides A & B in an upper apartment.

Tower 58 crew split up sending 2 members inside to begin a primary search, while the other 3 members laddered the building outside and assisted with fire attack.

Engine 58-1 reverse laid from Engine 59-1 to a hydrant and supplied water to the attack Engine, Crew from the Engine made way to the fire scene and also assisted with fire attack and overhaul.

Crews remained on location for roughly 3 hours before being released by command.

Units: Tower 58, Engine 58-1, MICU 58-, Utility 58